Have you ever known someone who was almost consistently reminding you of a Hobbit? I know one such person... my little brother. For some time he has reminded me of scene in the Fellowship of the Ring movie:
Strider: "Gentlemen, we do not stop 'till nightfall."
Pippin: "What about breakfast?"
Strider: "We've already had it."
Pippin: "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" [Strider walks away.]
Merry: "Don't think he knows about second breakfast Pip."
Pippin: "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them doesn't he?"
Merry: "I wouldn't count on it."
[From over the bushes, Strider tosses an apple and Merry catches it. He hands it to Pippin and pats him on the shoulder. Another apple flies through the air, hitting Pippin in the head. He looks up bewildered.]
That is my brother for you... or his more recent incident. He bought this large mug, which looks like a pint. Which reminds me of this scene from the Fellowship of the Ring:
[Merry sits down at the table. He is holding a huge stein of beer.]
Pippin: "What's that?"
Merry: "This my friend, is a pint."
Pippin: "It comes in pints? I'm getting one."
[Pippin rushes to the bar.]
Sam: "You had a whole half already!"
My brother's attempt at this... filling the mug with Dr Pepper, which he had already had some Dr P already. Besides his Hobbit eating tendencies, he also has feet the size of a Hobbits, size 9 men's to be exact, and he's only 11.
Anyway, enough about my little bro. On to "Fence Parts". Did you know that old fence parts make excellent pallets? My mom and I went out to our garage on Tuesday morning to straiten it up so we can put things from the house that we don't need. Well, we discovered the most curious phenomenon... the floor of our garage was wet, yet when we moved the boxes the floor was dry, yet the bottom of the boxes was either very wet or damp. So, my mom and I removed nearly all of the boxes and put the old fence parts down on the floor of the garage and then a tarp over that, which made for some interesting foot work, but it was fun.
Hopefully, this will keep our stuff from getting super wet.
That's life right now... speaking of which... I just found out that I'm going to be an Aunt. :-)