May 31, 2007


"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." ~ Newt Gingrich

This quote has gotten me through some pretty tough times in my life, and continues to remind me to keep going. It's a good summery of what the word means and also reminds that things aren't always easy. It's when you get tired of doing something, yet keep at it, that you persevere. As I keep walking down the road God has called me to I realize more and more that perseverance is the key to getting anywhere (and a large dose of determination doesn't hurt).

May 25, 2007

Looking Up

Ever notice how things can have a double meaning? Take my youth groups name for example: Cross Culture. Seems simple enough right? But if you've been in the youth group long enough, one should know that it's not so simple. It has two meanings. We are to cross into other cultures but also live the "cross" culture (Luke 9:23).

So take a look at the title of this post again. "Looking up" This has two meanings; I shall explain the first.

1a) The house recieved a very good report from the realtor. There isn't a whole lot of handyman/handywoman things to do, which is good. Our handyman J.L. is going to be doing somethings around the house that I have no experience with (such as wiring/electrical). There are somethings that I can do... if my shoulders will let me, they are still giving me trouble. But our neighbors are willing to help me out with them if they bother my arms which is good.
1b) I finaly took the time to get my driver's licence. Anyone who knows my schedule would most likely question my sanity for taking my driver's test on a Wednesday, but that was the only day the tester could do it because he was going to be out of town the day I wanted to do it (Thursday). But I got it done, and I wasn't at all surprised that my first solo drive was to NCCC/S (they needed someone to tell them where/how the Pentecost streamers were hung). My little brother enjoys the fact that now he can sit in the front seat when I'm driving.
1c) God has opened the doors for me to do a program called Pixel Corps this summer. What it basically is, is a group of people who work on the techy end of movies (i.e. 3D animation, mattes, graphics, etc). It is very cool and I am really excited to have the training in what I want to do. Some of the "instructers" are from ILM (Industrial Light and Magic)!

Now for the second meaning: I am "looking up" to God for a lot right now. The house(s) are something that we are all looking to Him for because the housing market is not real good right now. Finding a house in LA is a real challenge, finding something within a desent distance and price is really hard to find.
I'm also looking up to God, and the matter of a new computer for me. My current computer is fine for surfing the web and doing documents, but when it comes to doing graphics it's the pits. So in order to do what I need to do, I find myself in desperate need of a computer that will handle the animation and graphics programs (currently I'm using my mom's for graphics and such, but she needs her computer, too). This means that I need a top of the line computer, but to do classes at college I need a laptop. So I'm looking to God to provide the means for said laptop.
I'm also (well all of us) are looking "up" to God for strength and such to get through this time. It's not an easy time right now, with being on opposite ends of the country. Mom and I are bone-tired, from packing and such and it's not done yet. We're all stressed by the way we currently have to live and like nothing better than for this time to end.

So yeah, things are looking up... ;-)

May 14, 2007

The Important Things in Life

Approximately a year ago, a big graduation ceremony, with a nice open house were top on my list. Almost six months ago that began to change. We were going to be moving and I was not going to still be in Lansing... well, I'm still here. I'm getting invitations to open houses and such, and people are asking if I'm going to have one, but I've realized something. The big ta-do and everything I wanted a year ago is no longer something I want. Now all I want is to reunite my family which currently live in to very different areas.
Yes, an open house would be nice, but I don't care how big it is. In my eyes, it would be nice to just have one last little get together with all of my friends and "family" here in Lansing before I go, because who knows when I'll see them again. And as one person said, they'd like to be able to "congratulate me". What I'd really like is just a chance to spend time with them (and take a few pictures probably). The people here at NCCC are very special to me and I will miss them when I finally go.