March 24, 2008

The Meatiest Easter Ever

Holy Week has now passed and I'm in my last week before going back to school...

Here's an overview of the last week:
Wednesday, there was a Light Lenten Soup Supper, which turned out to just be a long night.
Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, was a bit on the long side because there was: Vespers, Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper (which included the following: Procession to the Altar of Repose, Stripping of the Altars, Washing of the Feet (the Maundy) and "Watch with our Lord in the Garden" [Before the Altar of Repose]), then there was a Light Lenten Soup Supper.
Friday, was of course Good Friday, on this particular day there was a Three Hours Devotion, the the Passion Liturgy (which included: Veneration of the Cross and Mass of the Pre-Sanctified) and then another Light Lenten Soup Supper.
Saturday, or Holy Saturday. Was the busiest day I've had in a long time. I was up early helping the Altar Guild move plants and prep for Easter. I then set up ten large round tables, 60 folding chairs and 3 serving tables. All of the tables were then covered by table cloths which included the re-purposing of two tables into dessert tables. Once that was done I cleaned up the kids area so that is would be neat for Easter (yes I know it takes all of two minutes for the kids to mess it up again), I then came home and started prepping for one of the dishes my family was taking for the next day for lunch and I had only gotten a small bit done before it was time for the Great Easter Vigil & the First Mass of Easter. After the service, my family presented our surprise to the church which was pascha and milk & honey. After this festivity, I headed back home where I finished making the dish for the next day... I collapsed into bed at 1:30 am.
Sunday, was of course Easter. I got up at 8, took a shower and by 9 was head up to the local grocery store to pick up our pre-ordered items (a cake and fried chicken). I came back shortly after and began my job as the head (and only member I might add) of the nursery. At 10 I went a recorded the processional hymn and then went back down stairs where I helped approximately 25 kids ranging from under a year old to 11. Just before the end of the service I went back up stairs and recorded the last hymn. After that I chased a few people down and then finally got in line to get my plate... well that was a bit tricky cause every few minutes I'd get an errand so I'd run do that until at last I was able to sit down and eat. After our hearty lunch and the divvying up of left overs, my family and I collapsed onto my parents bed. After resting for a little bit, we called our family and enjoyed a quit evening on the patio.

I forgot to mention that my Mom got sick again on Thursday and ran a fever Thursday and Friday, so that of course added to the whole craziness of the week, but she is much better now.

I'm sure you're wondering about the title of this post and I shall explain now: we had 4 legs of lamb, 2 hams, 50 pieces of fried chicken and some roast beef at lunch. Meaty enough for ya? ;-)

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