November 18, 2008

Good News Folks!

I "updated" my Flickr with some new stuff... hopefully I'll remember to keep updating it ;-)

November 5, 2008

For those who are interested... A collection of my ever growing YouTube videos. Enjoy.

October 31, 2008

Of a Bygone Era…

Of all the ideas that became the United States, there is a line here that is at the heart of all the others. "But when a long train of abuses and years of patience perusing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security." People don't talk that way anymore...
~ Benjamin Gates, National Treasure ~

As we approach our National elections, one phrase continually pulses through my mind: “People don’t talk that way anymore.” It’s such a simple phrase, spoken after reading a portion of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Gates, though a fictitious character, got it right. No one talks that way anymore. Perhaps that’s what’s wrong.

A few weeks ago for several nights my parents and I watched John Adams, a TV movie series that HBO did several months ago. As I watched, that phrase pulsated through my mind. Our founding fathers suffered, fought and died for what we now enjoy.
The men (and woman) who fought for this country, who founded this country… many would rather erase them from history, or so distort their memory that they are only shadows of their former selves. These men and woman are my ancestors. My ancestors. I can’t help but feel anger and impatience toward those who wish to see this country harm, or to change the very principles upon which this country was founded. There are those in this country who wish to take away our freedoms. These same people want to take way the very principles, which this country was founded. They wish to remove God; God who was at the core of our foundation of this great country.

Call me a radical, but I do not want to see this country so destroyed by these people that we loose sight of what this country was founded on. This country was founded on Godly principles; it was founded with God at the center. It’s time we went back to our founding principles… And well…

As C.S. Lewis said: “Aslan is on the move.”

October 16, 2008

"You've taken your first step into a larger world."

Obi-Wan Kenobi said that to Luke Skywalker after some brief training with a lightsaber and a training remote...

Well today, I took my own first step into a larger world... though no lightsaber sadly ;-)

I'm sure you're all wanting to know why I've disappeared from blogging-sphere. The reason quite simply is my life revolves around school. I do have several blog posts in mind so as soon as I get some free time (lol) I'll be sure to post them. 

Until then, enjoy and let me know what you think ;-)

July 30, 2008

“Time flies when you’re having fun” ?

{sigh} Time sure does fly. I totally intended to post while on vacation while I was in a supremely thoughtful and reflective mood, yet I never got around to doing it. While the almost clichĂ© statement: “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Is at times true, I find that unfortunately time is flying by me not really caring if I’m having “fun” as it whips past me.

Time flies by me as I work, almost constantly now, on schoolwork and perhaps the few things I manage to squeak in-between the constant barrage of school work. Life, I have noticed is like that. There’s never enough time to actually do what you want to do. That’s why, I think perhaps that it’s best to try and find a job that you enjoy doing, because then, it isn’t work, it’s what you enjoy doing. I’ve had a taste of what this is like, and I enjoyed it… until I found myself of the edge of burning out and just not finding the job as fun as it once was. Looking back, I remember wondering why I felt the way I did; why I didn’t enjoy my work like I once did. I realize now in hindsight that it was probably God preparing me to leave. He after all, knew that I would be heading to another part of country where I would have the opportunity to develop my skills even further.

Five classes are considered an extremely challenging load at my school, since many of the classes are art related and require high amounts of creativity for each little project and assignment. I found last quarter that my creativity was feeling a bit drained as I fought to push myself beyond what I thought I could do so that I could do well. In the end, while I certainly wasn’t as good as some of my classmates, I had improved greatly, which is one of the key things at this school. It’s in every syllabus: “Showing up to class and doing all assignments, without progress, does not constitute a passing grade.” So my aim, is to learn all I can, and do my best to improve… which I have been, even if I don’t readily see it.

June 10, 2008

The Boulder called Finals

This is kinda what my life is like right now...

June 3, 2008

The Long Expected Update

(I wrote this over a period of time but the majority of it was written last weekend)

Wow… 10 weeks… I really did plan on blogging about the first week… and then the first and second week… and then the first, second and third… and well, you get the picture. 

Anyway… can you believe I’ve already completed midterms?  In fact I’m in the middle of final projects… (oh boy…)  You may be wondering how you’re getting a blog post if I’m doing final projects… well, I’m sitting in the car on my way to Carlsbad for a surprise party for a couple I haven’t seen since I was five... anyway.

I’m guessing that you all would like to know more about the school, my classes and the people I interact with on a daily basis…

The Art Institute of California – Los Angels is great school.  The teachers know what they are talking about and everyone on staff is friendly and helpful.  I don’t know about other schools, but AI provides each student with an Academic Advisor to help the students stay on track with their schooling and to answer questions.  Granted there are not a lot of Academic Advisors so each advisor has a significant number of students… at least that’s what’s happened in my major.  We’re split between to Academic Advisors who are both very helpful. 

The school also provides an “audit” of classes taken/need to be taken for each student, which is rather helpful… if you can decipher it. ;-)  I was looking at my audit and noted that the AI computer believes that I will graduate in Fall of 2010… if I keep up my schedule of five classes per quarter.

I find it interesting that this school has two “Councilors” on staff that students can see by appointment or as drop ins… what they really are is physiatrists.  I’m not joking.  They are both very nice ladies whom I have met (though I haven’t needed their services as of yet).  My mom has even given one of them her stamp of approval.  When you think about it their presence really makes a lot of sense.  AI is school full of perfectionist, most of us are rather sensitive when it comes to our work and well, we can get upset.  So really the heads of AI knew what they were doing by providing these two Councilors to the students… free of charge I might add.  Now when we need to vent or cry or whatever we have a place to go hide.  Fortunately I haven’t needed to visit them yet… hopefully I won’t have to.

Anyway on to the actual schooling and people I see on a weekly basis:

On Mondays I have Observational Drawing… some of you have heard one of my rants about this class… for those who haven’t… I hate shoes… well, drawing them at least.  I never want to draw a realistic looking shoe again.  Aside from that, I enjoy the class.  The teacher is an interesting fellow who looks like he should be a Samurai wielding a sword, not a pencil… or pen as the case may be.  On a side note, he’d like me to end up in his next class… I hope I do, cause I would certainly like to continue under his tutelage.

On Tuesdays I have Computer Applications… I know what you’re thinking… “why is she taking a beginners computer class?”  I’m thought process on this was this: It would review and hopefully teach me some things I hadn’t already learned.  Which it has the teacher is very helpful and is very good at teaching both on the Mac and PC (since we are on both).  And since she started out at AI as an academic advisor she’s also giving us tips and heads ups about what’s going on at AI which is helpful so I know what needs to get done when (like registering for the next session… which I have done).  Out of all my classes this is probably the easiest because, it’s things like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, history of computers, etc.

Wednesdays are my hard days because I have two classes. First I have Fundaments of Design.  It’s an interesting class thought it certainly stretches my creativity. The teacher is Russian and has a pleasant personality… though he does tend to be late. The critiques are enlightening and are conducted in a very professional manner and we work… a lot.  After this class I generally have 40 minutes to walk (or run depending on how much time I have) to Subway across the street from the school.  For all of you who know of my… dislike of making choices when it comes to food, might be surprised by my choice of dinner.  So I let you in on something: I don’t mind making food decisions as much as I used to. Which is a good thing, don’t you think? :-p  It takes me about ten minutes “round trip” to go to Subway and walk back with my sandwich to the student lounge where I eat and socialize with classmates.  By the time I’ve finished eating it’s time for my next class: Color Theory.  I really enjoy this class because (aside from Computer Apps) it’s the only class in color (hence the name). My teacher is an interesting man who for what ever reason often reminds me Gene Wilders Willie Wonka… he just has that Willie Wonka kind of personality at times I suppose. He certainly keeps me awake which is a good thing because I’m normally very sleepy by the time I reach his class and since it doesn’t get out until 10 minutes before 9pm I think I have just reason. The class is full of interesting people and it shows in our artwork. Like the earlier class this class also has critiques but in theory the students are supposed to conduct it… as it is, our teacher has to poke and prod us into talking.

Thursdays are my day off (as well as my dad’s) so we do something as a family to escape our busy lives and just be together. Every other week head to the beach and hang out there, or we go somewhere we haven’t been before. Lately we’ve headed to a theater since there have been a lot of movies coming out. This last Thursday we went and saw the new Indiana Jones (which is excellent by the way). I look forward to Thursday because I can escape my busy lifestyle. 

Fridays I have Visual Language and Culture… It’s not my kind of class.  I end up watching movies I would never be caught watching otherwise and well… it’s just a bunch of indoctrination gunk in my opinion. I like the teacher alright… when he’s not teaching.

Anywho… are you having an information overload yet? ;-)  Imagine how I feel.  While I love what I’m doing it’s not without the moments of doubt and uncertainty. When that happens I do my best to look to God… after all he’s the one who put me here.

I’m extremely sorry for the lack of communication on my part for those who have tried to contact me via email. I plan to email you all very soon.  The best place to contact me with a more immediate response is FaceBook as I’m on there everyday. Calling me also works, as I’m fairly good at returning calls… or playing telephone tag at least. :-p

You can also keep track of me via my Twitters and on my Tumblr (which can be found on the side or at the links).  I update these with short thoughts or things that strike me as interesting.

Well, I’ve arrived so I had better close this off.  I’ll blog once I get through finals… which is in 2 weeks.  Well hopefully I will…

March 30, 2008

"The board is set. The pieces are moving."

"Are you excited?"
"Are you nervous?"

This exchange I had with my admissions adviser sums up how I feel at the moment. Tomorrow my life starts. Tomorrow I take my first steps into a larger world. Tomorrow I move closer to my destiny.

I hear what I'm feeling is normal... but I can't help but be a bit nervous and a bit overwhelmed. Tomorrow starts the most intense training I've ever experienced. My classes are four hours each; each class having it's own set of challenges.

I'm reminded of a long forgotten memory... I've always hated diving (into water). I remember having to dive off the diving board during a swimming class... I was so scared. I remember my mom telling me to "hold Jesus' hand"... I remember closing my eyes, clenching my fist at my side, taking a deep breath... and jumping.

I'm at one of those points again.

Tomorrow I'll hold Jesus' hand.

March 24, 2008

The Meatiest Easter Ever

Holy Week has now passed and I'm in my last week before going back to school...

Here's an overview of the last week:
Wednesday, there was a Light Lenten Soup Supper, which turned out to just be a long night.
Thursday, or Maundy Thursday, was a bit on the long side because there was: Vespers, Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper (which included the following: Procession to the Altar of Repose, Stripping of the Altars, Washing of the Feet (the Maundy) and "Watch with our Lord in the Garden" [Before the Altar of Repose]), then there was a Light Lenten Soup Supper.
Friday, was of course Good Friday, on this particular day there was a Three Hours Devotion, the the Passion Liturgy (which included: Veneration of the Cross and Mass of the Pre-Sanctified) and then another Light Lenten Soup Supper.
Saturday, or Holy Saturday. Was the busiest day I've had in a long time. I was up early helping the Altar Guild move plants and prep for Easter. I then set up ten large round tables, 60 folding chairs and 3 serving tables. All of the tables were then covered by table cloths which included the re-purposing of two tables into dessert tables. Once that was done I cleaned up the kids area so that is would be neat for Easter (yes I know it takes all of two minutes for the kids to mess it up again), I then came home and started prepping for one of the dishes my family was taking for the next day for lunch and I had only gotten a small bit done before it was time for the Great Easter Vigil & the First Mass of Easter. After the service, my family presented our surprise to the church which was pascha and milk & honey. After this festivity, I headed back home where I finished making the dish for the next day... I collapsed into bed at 1:30 am.
Sunday, was of course Easter. I got up at 8, took a shower and by 9 was head up to the local grocery store to pick up our pre-ordered items (a cake and fried chicken). I came back shortly after and began my job as the head (and only member I might add) of the nursery. At 10 I went a recorded the processional hymn and then went back down stairs where I helped approximately 25 kids ranging from under a year old to 11. Just before the end of the service I went back up stairs and recorded the last hymn. After that I chased a few people down and then finally got in line to get my plate... well that was a bit tricky cause every few minutes I'd get an errand so I'd run do that until at last I was able to sit down and eat. After our hearty lunch and the divvying up of left overs, my family and I collapsed onto my parents bed. After resting for a little bit, we called our family and enjoyed a quit evening on the patio.

I forgot to mention that my Mom got sick again on Thursday and ran a fever Thursday and Friday, so that of course added to the whole craziness of the week, but she is much better now.

I'm sure you're wondering about the title of this post and I shall explain now: we had 4 legs of lamb, 2 hams, 50 pieces of fried chicken and some roast beef at lunch. Meaty enough for ya? ;-)

March 13, 2008

It's Finally Here!

Alrighty folks, it's finally here! The first (and certainly not last) of the St Mary of the Angels Podcasts has begun.

I do you believe that you all will enjoy these studies. The current Bible study is: The Revelation to St John. (in real life this Bible study is ending tomorrow, but the podcasts will be coming up as they are edited and converted for web)

My dad already has the next topic in mind and it will begin after Easter. I'll keep you posted on what that will be.

Alright, so you probably want to know where to go for these podcasts don't you? The study can currently be found at: I filled out the "paperwork" with Apple earlier today so it should be on iTunes soon, but I'll let you know when.

March 10, 2008

“I Sing a Song of the Saints of God”

Some of you might recognize this as a hymn, which it is. It is a fun little children’s hymn, that the Sunday School here at SMA have learned and generally comes up in church when a child is being baptized. It happens to be one of my favorites (my absolute favorite, being “Hail the Festival Day”).

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it here’s the text:
“I sing a song of the saints of God, patient and brave and true, who toiled and fought and lived and died for the Lord they loved and knew. And one was a doctor, and one was a queen, and one was a shepherdess on the green; they were all of them saints of God, and I mean, God helping, to be one too.
“They loved their Lord so dear, so dear, and his love made them strong; and they followed the right for Jesus' sake the whole of their good lives long. And one was a soldier, and one was a priest, and one was slain by a fierce wild beast; and there's not any reason, no, not the least, why I shouldn't be one too.
“They lived not only in ages past; there are hundreds of thousands still. The world is bright with the joyous saints who love to do Jesus' will. You can meet them in school, or in lanes, or at sea, in church, or in trains, or in shops, or at tea, for the saints of God are just folk like me, and I mean to be one too.”

Now, that being said (or sung ;-) I have come to realize how true the song is. While I have grown up knowing that first two verses are quite true, it’s the last verse that I have wondered about. Are their still, “saints of God” out there? With the way the world is right now, you have to wonder. What I’ve come to realize is that I just have to look for the modern-day saints; sometimes they are in plain sight, and sometimes I have to really look to see them. The last verse, while “out of date” as it may be, is quite true. You can really meet them at school, in “lanes”, at sea, in churches, trains, in shops or at “tea”. Since coming out to LA (or perhaps since I’ve grown older and more observant of these sort of things) I’ve noticed that, “The world is bright with the joyous saints who love to do Jesus’ will.”
What I’ve also noticed is that these “modern-day saints” come in many shapes, sizes, personality types, and faiths. Not, that they are not Christian, but as you all know, there are a number of different “types” of Christianity (it’s not supposed to be that way in my personal belief, but there are anyway), while they all have the same basic beliefs they have different ways of expressing them. SMA is Anglican, which is very tradition based. I spent nearly all of my teenage years in a non-denominational church, so coming back to the church of my childhood has been interesting. They are very much exact opposites. Well, the non-denominational has a “tradition” of how their Sunday morning goes: “Worship (music), Announcements, and Sermon”. Anglicanism comes from a long history that stretches on for centuries, and I happen to be at one of the few churches in America that does the liturgy in the “old way”. As the SMA website states: “Our worship is in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, with the rich ceremonial of western Catholicism, the beauty of the Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer, and the musical heritage of the ancient chant.”
While this is very much like what I grew up on (before reaching the teenage years), it is also different, because it is rooted in deep tradition. As I stated before my teenage years I spent amongst the more evangelical type of Christians, some of which were hippies who joined the “Jesus Movement”. While they were different than what I grew up with, I came to accept and understand it. Now I’ve come back to my roots and while I in some ways feel that I have come home, there are times when I miss some of the aspects of the non-denominational church.
The other night, I went with my mom and her best friend (and her best friend’s daughter) to their “prayer group”. This “prayer group” is comprised of a group of older woman who have known each other for years (except for my mom, they’ve adopted her though), through their time spent at the Vineyard church. As I sat there, I realized that I was surrounded by saints of God. They love to do the will of God, and they love to pray and support each other. Each of them seeks the Will of God in all they do and are committed to being witnesses of Christ.
I’ve also spotted several at SMA and as I have thought back over my time at NCCC I’ve come to recognize several saints as well. To think that I over looked them! The “joyous saints who love to do Jesus’ Will” have surrounded me! I find that to be an extreme blessing, because if I pay attention, I’ll learn things that I might not ordinarily learn.

And well, as the song says… “I mean to be one too.”

March 2, 2008

“Many Years”

A lot has happened since I last posted so I’m not sure where to begin. (I’ll warn you now this is long)
First off, I suppose I should say that my trip up North was very pleasant and I enjoyed the jaunt from routine. Visiting with family that I hadn’t seen since my elder brother’s wedding and visiting my “home country” was wonderful. The rolling hills of Marin County to the crowded streets of the Bay Area were all my home once upon a time and seeing it all again was superb.
Going to Point Reyes, I honestly didn’t want to leave. Watching the waves crash upon the shore far below… watching the cows graze quietly on the cliffs… I could have stayed much longer simply gazing to the horizon and simply standing in awe of God’s marvelous creation.
My parents also allowed for a few “drive-bys” which I enjoyed. One such “drive-by” was Skywalker Ranch. You see the joke in the area is that “George Lucas owns Marin County.” (He owns most of west Marin County) There nestled in the rolling green hills of Marin County is the heart of Lucas Film, Industrial Light and Magic, Skywalker Sound, THX, and all of Mr Lucas’s other companies.
We also drove by Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville, which unlike Skywalker Ranch is located in the heart of the Bay Area. It’s not quite as scenic as Lucas’s place but it was still impressive to drive by.
Then of course there is the wonderful {note sarcasm} streets of the Bay Area. They have the crazies lay out you’ll ever see. At some point I’ll update my Flickr with the pictures and you can see what the navigator map was showing. It was ridicules. Driving in LA is so much easier than the Bay Area! Of course, not only are the roads configured in strange ways, they can also be at near 45-degree angles (or greater). Yeah, the van we were in was having a hard time getting up those roads.

After returning from our trip we immediately jumped into the finally preparations for the 90th Anniversary of St Mary of the Angels. Yes, Fr Neal Dodd, the “Padre of Hollywood”, founded our church in 1908 as they called him. The more I learn about Fr Dodd (which I will discuss in another post) the more I’m amazed. At some point, I will place the video of the sermon from February 3 online so you can see. Amongst the people there, was none other than Bob Mitchell of the Robert Mitchell Boys Choir who sang in 100 films such as the Fr O’Malley movies with Bing Crosby and other such films. While Mr Mitchell is 95 years old himself, I was amazed by the fact that despite his hunched form, when he saw our pianos in the parish hall he immediately went over to one of them and began playing. He played a multitude of songs, from hymns to Hurray for Hollywood, and all by memory. His fingers flew over the keys with the agility of a young man and I it makes me wonder… what was he like as a young man?

The next item on the docket was of course my niece’s baptism. The family arrived the Friday night before and it was the first time in a very long time that we had all been in the same room. Of course, I had just seen my aunt, grandmother and my aunt’s dear friend (who is an adopted member of the family, so to me she is an aunt) when I was up North, but to have Wes, Sundown and Haven here as well, in our little cottage was wonderful. It almost felt like old times, granted things are different from what they were when I was growing up, but for a brief moment in time, I was a little girl again, surrounded by my family that I love so dearly.
Anyway, the baptism went well, and I am now one of Haven’s Godparents. Sitting next to my elder brother at church is something I haven’t done in some time, for that matter I hadn’t been to Solemn High Mass much in the past months due to my job in the nursery (I attend “8 o’clock” which is a Low Mass at 8 am on Sundays). That being said, I don’t normally end up seeing my dad do Mass and such (except for the Sundays that he does 8 o’clock) and it was nice to see him “in his element”. The organ, the choir, the incense are all things that are dropped for a Low Mass so it was a nice change. There’s something powerful about a High Mass that just leaves me in awe.
I spent Monday with my immediate family (Mom, Dad, Wes, Sundown, Drew and Haven) and it was a pleasant day (it also was my elder brother’s birthday). I enjoyed that last day with them, though I didn’t want to see them leave. Of course when do I ever want to see loved ones leave? It always tears at my heart when I watch some one I hold dear in my heart leave, especially when I’m not sure when I’ll see them again.

After all the family was gone, I received a call. I have been officially accepted at the Art Institute of California – Los Angeles and will be starting classes on March 31st. The call from my Admissions Advisor was a welcome one, since I was being to wonder what was happening with my application. She called and said that she was quite excited to hear that I had been accepted because “we were her favorite family” (since my parents and younger brother had met her by this point). She also told us that they had accepted 12 of my credits from Regent University, which meant that I got to skip three classes, which included College English {Yippie!}

Anyway, some might be wondering about a particular day that followed these events and well, it started out as any normal day. I got up and went to the store with my mom to get the ingredients for my cake and on the way back I noticed a couple in front of the church. This couple just happened to be some of my new very dear friends in LA and it was nice seeing them. Well, then my mom explained the groceries in my hands and I of course received the standard message. “Happy birthday!” For some reason I can’t explain completely I felt somewhat embarrassed to have attention drawn to me. Fr B was also outside at that point and upon hearing that it was “my big day” expressed his well wishes as well.
I then proceeded to go to Trader Joes (a very cool organic grocery store for all of you outside of California) with my mom and upon returning about an hour later, I found myself once again in the presence of my new friends (who happened to be the second and third people I met when visiting LA a little over a year ago). They were beginning to leave and I started to say my good-byes, when one of them asked me if I would like to go to lunch with them. I sort of hem-hawed a moment or to before finally accepting. So I went off with them to a trendy outdoor café down the street where I enjoyed a fun filled lunch with them.
They asked me “What are the highlights of last year and what are your dreams for the coming year?” I contemplated this a moment (as I had been doing for the past several days) and then responded: “I think you know the highlights from my last year. It was around this time last year that I found out for sure that I was moving to LA, and I spent the majority of the year getting ready to move. I came out last summer for a visit and then I actually made the trip to LA to stay.” Or at least I said something like that to the first part of the question. The second part I responded that I was headed to AICLA and well, that pretty much encompassed my coming year.
Later I went to JoAnn’s with my dad, and afterward he took me by the local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for a cup of coffee (in honor of my birthday, of course). Yes, folks, I drink coffee now (big surprise, even to myself). My mom says, “You’ve grown up now and decided that coffee isn’t a bad thing”. I guess she’s right about that, because I don’t mind coffee and I do frequent the coffee shop up the street. Granted I’m not drinking espresso like my parents, but who knows, at some point I might just decide to try it.
That folks, was pretty much how my birthday itself went. (I did get another promise for lunch sometime from another couple [can you tell these couples like me?] which at some point will end up happening, it doesn’t particularly matter to me) Sunday, I spent at the church (as normal) but of course, since my birthday was the previous day, I got doused… I suppose I should explain that shouldn’t I? As per the tradition of SMA when someone(s) has a birthday around a Sunday, they come up during the Parish luncheon (which is every week), and they are blessed by the priest, both spoken and with Holy Water. Well, my Dad is the priest… so; I got quite wet, though I didn’t mind. But that is not all of the tradition. The parishioners (and the priest) then sing: “Mnogaya Leta” well that’s the Russian name. We sing it in English, which is known as: “Many Years”, literally, it’s “God grant you many summers” which are rather important in Russia.
That evening, I had my birthday dinner. My family (plus Fr D, who we have adopted into the family) spent the evening chatting and eating spaghetti and later my German chocolate cake.
That my friends, was my birthday weekend. (I did do some things while my family was all out here, such as the Red Robin crew did their rendition of “Happy Birthday” and they (my aunts, Grandmother, and elder brother) got me all up-to-date on my Mac (which was wonderful).
I didn’t really mind that my birthday wasn’t a big thing, in fact at times I felt shyer having attention brought to the fact that it was. I’ve come to realization over the last year that what’s really important is not the attention or even the gifts. It’s the little things, like friends who let you know that they are thinking of you (via text, FaceBook or eCard). As one friend said via email today: “Its funny how when we get older, it no longer matters about a big party or even the gifts but you can truly see the beauty of friendship or family, and you can just be so blessed by thoughts or words.” That surmises my thoughts on the matter and I do believe that it is time that I end this post :-p

February 3, 2008

The Life of a Tech

When I left MI, I had the distinct feeling that I wouldn't be doing anything "techie" for some time. This left me feeling a bit unnerved at the thought. I had been doing "techie" things the entire time I was in high school, what would I do with myself? There wouldn't be a website to update, presentations to create, or videos to edit.

Well, as it turns out, I'm not sure why I was worrying about not having something "techie" to do. St Mary's is very much not that technologically advanced, no projectors, a few computers, and well not much else. Besides this SMA (St Mary of the Angels) is a very spread out congregation (they come from all over) and thus, having say, a Bible study on Monday nights and Friday mornings, not many are able to come. So how do you get the Bible studies to the people who want to hear it without them having to come to you?

The answer: Podcasting. I had looked into podcasting a little bit in MI, but had never done any serious research on the matter. Now, that I am armed with a Mac and GarageBand I suddenly have the tools to do a podcast. After some research I found that the only real obstacles were bandwidth and server space (Don't worry I won't get into all of the technical stuff).

Granted this information then brought up the question: How to do this? I was soon trying to find the best option for SMA. Could we upgrade our own site to do it? Or would a podcast hosting site work better? This of course rose the question of: Which one?

After a week or so I finally came to the realization that if we were going to do this right, we needed to go with the company called LibSyn Pro. When I say "Pro" I mean professional. This is one of the podcast hosting sites so that equates to a price that as Bing Crosby said is, "Some where between ouch and bong." Well maybe not quite that, but that's what I've told the treasurer ;-)

So for this to fly with the church and the treasurer (a really penny pincher, a good quality in a treasurer I think) I was going to have to come up with a plan to finance this endeavor. Also when presenting this whole idea to the Vestry (the decision makers of the church) they asked that I present this idea at the Annual Meeting in January, granted when I presenting this to the Vestry it was fall. I of course still had the problem of financing. So after a suggestion from one of the parishioners I found myself presenting the idea to the Bishop. With the Bishops backing I could hopefully receive the financing help I needed for my project, by splitting the bill with the Dioceses (which he's in charge of, for those of you who are unfamiliar with this type of church). Well, getting the presentation to the Bishop ended up taking way longer than I had planned partly because I had every other event under the sun come up. I did finally get it to him but then the answer didn't come till the day before the Annual Meeting. I was of course eagerly awaiting his answer because this would be able to help "sell" the parishioners of SMA on this whole podcasting thing.

Well the answer I received wasn't what I expected. Don't get me wrong, the Bishop was for it. But here was the real clincher, he asked if I would present podcasting at the Synod. Synod for all you folks out there is the big Diocesan meeting. Yeah that is huge! I thought giving a presentation at the Annual Meeting was bad, dude this is like so much bigger! I was then presented with a choice. Hold off doing anything with all the recordings I had been doing for months and the up coming ones or do a small scale "test" and do one Bible study on a smaller podcast hosting site till the Synod. Which by the way is in September. (you realize that I will have been doing this whole podcasting thing for a year by that time...)

So with this in mind I made my presentation at the Annual Meeting. It went well, most of the people saw the opportunity it presented, so I found myself with the majority in favor (yeah there were a couple of nay sayers but some people just don't like change or technology but I had majority so there :-p) Also they wanted to the test run to see how this whole technology thing works. In fact I had someone front the money for the "low budget" test run right then. I think that is an accomplishment.

Within the next few weeks, SMA will be launching its first podcast. Be watching my blog cause I'll have a link so those of you who are interested can listen. Guess I should say what this Bible study is about shouldn't I? The Revelation to St John, this will be starting on February 8th so the podcast will be up a few days later. But I'll let you know when ;-)

January 19, 2008

Life in My Shoes

Well, Christmas came and went. The time of rest was short lived in my opinion... I've been wondering what is "rest" because it is becoming a rather foreign feeling to me. So you see, things don't really slow down for me or my family, we stay busy, something always comes up. All of it needs to be done and when one is available, it's hard to say no (don't worry I do say "no" to some things).
Since Christmas, my schooling plans have changed yet again. {sigh} But I think I've found the right school now... at least I'm going ahead with applying. If it's not where God wants me then He'll close the doors, and I'll start looking again. I just want to be where God wants me to be, so I'm doing my best to put all this in God's hands.
Also on the agenda for my life is: the Annual Meeting at St Mary's. I'm doing a presentation which I of course find myself a bit nervous about. Me? Give a presentation? Yeah, not my forte. But I am doing it. I just hope I get word on something important before hand, which I believe will help me sell my presentation to the people. (If it goes through I'll do a whole post on it, I promise)
Now some of you may think: "What in the world? Why can't that girl rest? She's been working the entire time!" Well, you'll all be glad to hear that I am going to "Get out of Dodge." (as a dear friend of mine says). The last week of January I'll be off to a mini family reunion as my aunt is retiring so we're going up North (and no, it's not the U.P. or Canada ;-).
Then in February I'm especially looking forward to a very exciting few days. My brother, his wife and his little girl (my niece) are coming to LA! We will have another little family reunion then as well, so those from up North will come down here. I am looking forward to this, as it will be the closest event like those I remember from my childhood when my family came together to celebrate.
Anyway, life in my shoes is interesting, but I thought I'd give you an idea or what is going on.