November 20, 2007


I suppose with a title like that I could quote C.S. Lewis and say something real philosophical but I don't think I have the time to write it. As a dear friend of mine has pointed out: "Real life is never boring!" So, just so nobody starts worrying about me if I don't post for a while I'll give you an idea of what I'll be up to the next few weeks:

1) Thanksgiving - innocent enough one would think, but there's a catch... I'm helping with the meal for the church that day... which of course requires starting tomorrow. Wouldn't you if you had to make sure 50 lb of turkey was ready for the meal the next day?
2) The Saturday after Thanksgiving there is a wedding - guess what? I'm helping decorate the day before and get the food for the reception ready
3) the following Monday I'm helping my mom finish my dad's office because do to an accident we were unable to finish the other week (the said injury that resulted from the accident, is now well on the way to returning to normal... even if it is still incredibly sore)
4) December 1st is a big day - not only is this day of the big Christmas event in my wonderful little neighborhood, it is also the day all the Sunday School kids come to hear stories about St Nicholas and make cookies and of course see good ol' St Nick (not the one you would see in the mall mind you) This means that not only am I helping with kids that day, but also leading up to this date I will be helping to make the famous St Nicholas cookies.
5) December 9th - Not only is this day the annual visit for the Bishop, it is also the day that those from the Confirmation class are confirmed and... it is the day my dad is officially made the rector of SMA (yes I know he's been here nearly 9 months) This requires, you guessed it, more food preparation.
6) The Sunday before Christmas is the Christmas pageant, which I some how ended up having a part in... you'll never guess what part was assigned to me... (if you'd care to guess you can leave a comment) so I will be learning my part, helping with the kids and in general helping out.
7) Christmas Day - Yet another event that sounds innocent, but no, there is food preparation for the Christmas Day meal after twelve o'clock mass. (of course there is the traditional family things as well...)

These events are of course on top of my normal activities... but you know what? I don't mind a bit. Sure my life is topsy-turvy at the moment but whose life doesn't have those times? I am looking forward to finding out how they do Christmas around here. The holiday season will be different from what I'm used to, but I'm finding myself slowly getting into the holiday spirit.

Who says life is boring?


Stephanie Hawn said...

what part was assigned to you????

Digital_Dreamn said...

Shocked by my schedule I take it? {smirk} As to your question... I volunteered. If only once person was doing it, it would be a serious pain, so I help where I can. :-) As some wise person once said: "Many hands make light work."

Stephanie Hawn said...

kool! i hope you have fun!!