August 25, 2007

On the Road...

(*This was typed between West Memphis and Little Rock. At the time of the posting to Blogger, I am in Frisco, Texas*)

While there's a song I could start typing out, I have a feeling that you all would be far more interested in what is actually going on. Currently (at the time this is being typed) we are going through west Memphis. It for the most part has been an uneventful trip thus far, though I'm sure by the time this trip is done there will have been something of interest.

Since the last paragraph we stopped at the Arkansas Welcome Center. My impression of AR is not what you would call, good, it never has been really. I was met with a curious sight while in the restroom. The toilet paper was pad locked to the side of the stall. I was rather amused, especially after discussing this with my family, where my dad said that it was pad locked to keep it from being ripped off. While I knew what he meant it sounded strange, toilet paper is to be "ripped off".
In addition to the curious restroom, what also caused humor was that Fiesty insisted on getting out at the rest area, so with his leash on he went outside the car. Semis roared down the highway, and Fiesty became quite a sight. He was leaping about frantically in his attempt to get away from them. He has since collapsed in my mothers lap entirely spent from his frightful ordeal.

Well, I'm sure you would like to hear about the last few days... they have been pleasant. Long days spent in the car can be tedious at best when crammed into a small space. Fortunately we have found a way to release a large portion of the boredom... James Harriot. I highly suggest reading (or listening to) his stories. James Harriot for those of you who don't know, is a vet in Northern England in the 1930s I believe. His stories are greatly amusing as he describes his various adventures in the northern dales of England. As he recounts his tales you can't help but be entranced by the world he lived in... going to the farms in the Yorkshire Dalls, examining the cows and horses. Of course, who wouldn't be humored by his car that always seems to break down at the most inappropriate moments, or when ever he tries to impress Helen it always flops horribly. The humorous characters that make-up the small town he lives in, such as his boss who forgets everything he says. If I was ever to suggest a book series I would suggest this one. All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Things Wise and Wonder, The Lord God Made Them All. His stories are wonderful, I highly suggest them.

Anyway, after half-a-book we arrived in Pulaski, Tennessee at my brother's house. The time spent with my brother and his wife was enjoyable. Being able to spend my younger brother's birthday with them was a wonderful. Having free time was something that almost seemed foreign to me, it was wonderful to have the time, just strange. I was able to get 48 pictures up on my Flickr site, so be sure to check it out. You can find the link on the right. I would suggest after you bring up Flickr, clicking under my username (DigitalDreamn) on the "map" button. When you click on it, it will show you a map of the US. On it you will see pink dots with various numbers, i.e. 63. You can more or less track our path across the country by following the dots.

The time before our departure from Lansing was an emotional time. I know without a doubt that I was to leave, but leaving is the hard part. Since we missed our intended departure time by at least 12 hours, I found myself one last time at NCCC before departing for LA. I was unable to get out of the car do to cats, but my friends gathered around the front passenger window leaning in over my mother (who was holding Braveheart) so that they could tell me good-bye and give the closest thing to a hug they could... hold my hand. It was a all I could do to keep my tears back, watching my dear friends who did not want to see me go... especially my dear B. She I knew, was having a hard time letting me go, to be quite honest I'm going to miss her greatly... as well as a great many others. I miss everyone already. How could I not? Each person had impacted my life and helped me get through many hard times in my life, providing my with humor and support whenever I needed it. I find myself wondering often when I'll see these friends who are really more family to me now than anything else. I know that when it is time, I will find myself crossing paths with them, a thought that allows me to look to the future. To a time when I can hug those dear to me... though, I'm not sure I'll be able to let them go.

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