Of all the ideas that became the United States, there is a line here that is at the heart of all the others. "But when a long train of abuses and years of patience perusing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security." People don't talk that way anymore...
~ Benjamin Gates, National Treasure ~
As we approach our National elections, one phrase continually pulses through my mind: “People don’t talk that way anymore.” It’s such a simple phrase, spoken after reading a portion of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Gates, though a fictitious character, got it right. No one talks that way anymore. Perhaps that’s what’s wrong.
A few weeks ago for several nights my parents and I watched John Adams, a TV movie series that HBO did several months ago. As I watched, that phrase pulsated through my mind. Our founding fathers suffered, fought and died for what we now enjoy.
The men (and woman) who fought for this country, who founded this country… many would rather erase them from history, or so distort their memory that they are only shadows of their former selves. These men and woman are my ancestors. My ancestors. I can’t help but feel anger and impatience toward those who wish to see this country harm, or to change the very principles upon which this country was founded. There are those in this country who wish to take away our freedoms. These same people want to take way the very principles, which this country was founded. They wish to remove God; God who was at the core of our foundation of this great country.
Call me a radical, but I do not want to see this country so destroyed by these people that we loose sight of what this country was founded on. This country was founded on Godly principles; it was founded with God at the center. It’s time we went back to our founding principles… And well…
As C.S. Lewis said: “Aslan is on the move.”