The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. ~ JRR Tolkin
June 10, 2008
June 3, 2008
The Long Expected Update
(I wrote this over a period of time but the majority of it was written last weekend)
Wow… 10 weeks… I really did plan on blogging about the first week… and then the first and second week… and then the first, second and third… and well, you get the picture.
Anyway… can you believe I’ve already completed midterms? In fact I’m in the middle of final projects… (oh boy…) You may be wondering how you’re getting a blog post if I’m doing final projects… well, I’m sitting in the car on my way to Carlsbad for a surprise party for a couple I haven’t seen since I was five... anyway.
I’m guessing that you all would like to know more about the school, my classes and the people I interact with on a daily basis…
The Art Institute of California – Los Angels is great school. The teachers know what they are talking about and everyone on staff is friendly and helpful. I don’t know about other schools, but AI provides each student with an Academic Advisor to help the students stay on track with their schooling and to answer questions. Granted there are not a lot of Academic Advisors so each advisor has a significant number of students… at least that’s what’s happened in my major. We’re split between to Academic Advisors who are both very helpful.
The school also provides an “audit” of classes taken/need to be taken for each student, which is rather helpful… if you can decipher it. ;-) I was looking at my audit and noted that the AI computer believes that I will graduate in Fall of 2010… if I keep up my schedule of five classes per quarter.
I find it interesting that this school has two “Councilors” on staff that students can see by appointment or as drop ins… what they really are is physiatrists. I’m not joking. They are both very nice ladies whom I have met (though I haven’t needed their services as of yet). My mom has even given one of them her stamp of approval. When you think about it their presence really makes a lot of sense. AI is school full of perfectionist, most of us are rather sensitive when it comes to our work and well, we can get upset. So really the heads of AI knew what they were doing by providing these two Councilors to the students… free of charge I might add. Now when we need to vent or cry or whatever we have a place to go hide. Fortunately I haven’t needed to visit them yet… hopefully I won’t have to.
Anyway on to the actual schooling and people I see on a weekly basis:
On Mondays I have Observational Drawing… some of you have heard one of my rants about this class… for those who haven’t… I hate shoes… well, drawing them at least. I never want to draw a realistic looking shoe again. Aside from that, I enjoy the class. The teacher is an interesting fellow who looks like he should be a Samurai wielding a sword, not a pencil… or pen as the case may be. On a side note, he’d like me to end up in his next class… I hope I do, cause I would certainly like to continue under his tutelage.
On Tuesdays I have Computer Applications… I know what you’re thinking… “why is she taking a beginners computer class?” I’m thought process on this was this: It would review and hopefully teach me some things I hadn’t already learned. Which it has the teacher is very helpful and is very good at teaching both on the Mac and PC (since we are on both). And since she started out at AI as an academic advisor she’s also giving us tips and heads ups about what’s going on at AI which is helpful so I know what needs to get done when (like registering for the next session… which I have done). Out of all my classes this is probably the easiest because, it’s things like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, history of computers, etc.
Wednesdays are my hard days because I have two classes. First I have Fundaments of Design. It’s an interesting class thought it certainly stretches my creativity. The teacher is Russian and has a pleasant personality… though he does tend to be late. The critiques are enlightening and are conducted in a very professional manner and we work… a lot. After this class I generally have 40 minutes to walk (or run depending on how much time I have) to Subway across the street from the school. For all of you who know of my… dislike of making choices when it comes to food, might be surprised by my choice of dinner. So I let you in on something: I don’t mind making food decisions as much as I used to. Which is a good thing, don’t you think? :-p It takes me about ten minutes “round trip” to go to Subway and walk back with my sandwich to the student lounge where I eat and socialize with classmates. By the time I’ve finished eating it’s time for my next class: Color Theory. I really enjoy this class because (aside from Computer Apps) it’s the only class in color (hence the name). My teacher is an interesting man who for what ever reason often reminds me Gene Wilders Willie Wonka… he just has that Willie Wonka kind of personality at times I suppose. He certainly keeps me awake which is a good thing because I’m normally very sleepy by the time I reach his class and since it doesn’t get out until 10 minutes before 9pm I think I have just reason. The class is full of interesting people and it shows in our artwork. Like the earlier class this class also has critiques but in theory the students are supposed to conduct it… as it is, our teacher has to poke and prod us into talking.
Thursdays are my day off (as well as my dad’s) so we do something as a family to escape our busy lives and just be together. Every other week head to the beach and hang out there, or we go somewhere we haven’t been before. Lately we’ve headed to a theater since there have been a lot of movies coming out. This last Thursday we went and saw the new Indiana Jones (which is excellent by the way). I look forward to Thursday because I can escape my busy lifestyle.
Fridays I have Visual Language and Culture… It’s not my kind of class. I end up watching movies I would never be caught watching otherwise and well… it’s just a bunch of indoctrination gunk in my opinion. I like the teacher alright… when he’s not teaching.
Anywho… are you having an information overload yet? ;-) Imagine how I feel. While I love what I’m doing it’s not without the moments of doubt and uncertainty. When that happens I do my best to look to God… after all he’s the one who put me here.
I’m extremely sorry for the lack of communication on my part for those who have tried to contact me via email. I plan to email you all very soon. The best place to contact me with a more immediate response is FaceBook as I’m on there everyday. Calling me also works, as I’m fairly good at returning calls… or playing telephone tag at least. :-p
You can also keep track of me via my Twitters and on my Tumblr (which can be found on the side or at the links). I update these with short thoughts or things that strike me as interesting.
Well, I’ve arrived so I had better close this off. I’ll blog once I get through finals… which is in 2 weeks. Well hopefully I will…